Fight Club (1999)
- Went in blind and haven't been spoiled this far- only seeing clips where I went "oh i've seen that somewhere"
- glad I wasn't because yeah I can see the appeal
- had me on the literal edge of my desk chair
- is this where that trope in movies comes from? GENUIENLY
- besides that the theme of late-stage capitalism and it's effects can still be felt today
- I loved the "HUH ANALYZE" parts of the movie that made things connect and I felt that 30 minutes in
- Brad Pitt maaaaaan he is who he is i loved his performance
- plenty of quotes from him in this movie
- whoever did the costuming for this, bravo
- the fashion geek in me was pointing out what Helena and Brad's characters had on
- BUT one point of the movie was to not consume on such a level that the items become you
- which yes, VERY true it's something to remember I'm learning that
- I took in a lot what was said
- Great movie tell your friends